Ancestry in the 2000 US Census

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The data on this page is derived from 2000 census data from the ancestry category. Some figures are estimates based on statistical sampling. The total US population in 2000 was 273,643,274.

The Top Fifteen Ancestry Groups

as reported in the 2000 US Federal Census:
(numbers have been rounded)

German42.8 million
Irish30.5 million
African-American24.9 million
English24.5 million
American20.2 million
Mexican18.4 million
Italian15.6 million
Polish9 million
French8.3 million
American Indian7.9 million
Scottish4.9 million
Dutch4.5 million
Norwegian4.5 million
Scotch-Irish4.3 million
Swedish4.0 million

Source: US Bureau of the Census: Ancestry 2000 (issued June 2004) (C2KBR-35)

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1990 Census Data for Ancestry

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