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Savannah, Georgia Passenger Lists 1906-1945

FHL & NARA Microfilm Catalog Numbers and Index Information

These microfilm rolls are for passenger lists for the port of Savannah from June 1906 to 1945, arranged by date of arrival. For information about the indexes for the passengers in this time frame see...

Online Databases: Microfilm Index: The Passenger Lists themselves are on 4 rolls of microfilm (listed below)...

Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Savannah, GA, 1906-1945 National Archives Microifilm Series T943; 4 rolls.

NARA # is the catalog number for the National Archives
FHL # is the catalog number for the LDS Family History Library in Salt Lake City

FHL#     NARA#         Volumes        Dates
1375955  T943-1        1              June 5, 1906--June 19, 1917
1414793  T943-2        2              July 5, 1917--May 22, 1923
1414794  T943-3        3--4           June 18, 1923--May 14, 1942
1414795  T943-4        5              Apr. 16, 1944--Dec. 6, 1945

Dates, Contents and NARA Roll numbers taken from...
Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals, A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications; National Archives Trust Fund Board: Washington, DC; 1983; 2nd revised edition, 1991; page 155.

Finding Passenger Lists 1820-1940s

Savannah, Georgia Arrivals 1820-1868

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compiled by Joe Beine
may not be republished in any form without permission