Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, LA, before 1900 (covers 1853-1899); National Archives Microfilm Publication T527, 32 rolls. NOTE: There is also an online database from Ancestry: New Orleans Passenger Lists Index & Images 1820-1963 (with some gaps) (requires payment) NARA # is the catalog number for the National Archives FHL # is the catalog number for the LDS Family History Library in Salt Lake City This is an alphabetical Index... NARA # Covers FHL # T527-1 Aab, Mr. & Mrs. Aug.--Bannerman, Mrs. W. 0543403 T527-2 Bannico, Concetta--Bertucca, R. Lattanta 0543404 T527-3 Bertucci, Agata--Brem, Sophia 0543405 T527-4 Bremen, Catherine--Cathicot, Elie 0543406 T527-5 Cahil, Honora--Claude, Jean Baptiste 0543407 T527-6 Claude, Joseph--Dallu, L. 0543408 T527-7 Dalma, N.--Doniedo, Marie 0543409 T527-8 Doning, Friederich--Engle, Paul 0543410 T527-9 Englehardt, Cath.--Fontana, Giovanni 0543411 T527-10 Fontana, Guiliana--Garot, Catherine 0543412 T527-11 Garot, Eugenie--Graywelding, Carl 0543413 T527-12 Grazia, Leonardo--Harding, C.F. 0543414 T527-13 Hardiman, Abraham--Hincks, T. 0543415 T527-14 Hind, Gridget--Iszig, Rosalia 0543416 T527-15 Italia, Francesca--Johse, Carl 0543417 T527-16 Joice, Mary Ann--Kleekamp, Francis 0543418 T527-17 Kleekamp, Louise--Lacosse, Michel 0543419 T527-18 Lacoste, Angelo--Lewandowsky, Franz 0543420 T527-19 Leweling, Angela--Malony, Wm. 0543421 T527-20 Malodec, Franz--Mickey, Maria 0543422 T527-21 McKibborin, George--Moone, Matt. 0543423 T527-22 Mooney, Ann--Nipote, Arcommano F. 0543424 T527-23 Nipp, A. Maria--Penlington, James 0543425 T527-24 Penn, Cohn--Rageio, Fortuna 0543426 T527-25 Ragge, August--Rolwess, Franz 0543427 T527-26 Roma, Horatis--Schapani, Stefano 0543428 T527-27 Schape, Caroline--Schuter, A. 0543429 T527-28 Schuth, Angela--Sparr, Robt. 0543430 T527-29 Sparraguirra, Migel--Taylor, Wm. H. 0543431 T527-30 Tazo, Christesa--Veronique, Ketterer 0543432 T527-31 Veroz, Benito--Wertermann, Wilhelm 0543433 T527-32 Werth, E.--Zyricki, Caspar 0543434 Dates, Contents and NARA Roll numbers taken from... Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals, A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications; National Archives Trust Fund Board: Washington, DC; 1983; 2nd revised edition, 1991; pages 10-11. For digitized microfilm of the microfilm rolls listed above from FamilySearch, see: Passenger lists of vessels arriving at New Orleans, 1820-1945; index to passenger lists of vessels arriving in New Orleans, 1853-1952 : NARA RG85 publications T527, T618, M259, and T905: United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service at FamilySearch |