The U.S. National Archives (NARA) has aerial photographs of Germany taken in 1945. If you would like to see what your ancestral village or city looked like from the sky at that time, here's how you might be able to obtain a photo: If you want to try to locate a photo in the National Archives catalog yourself, see: US Flown Foreign Aerial Photography in Record Group 373: Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency This guide may be helpful: Where to find digitized World War II aerial photographs? Or... Contact the National Archives (see link below), telling them you would like to obtain an aerial photo of a particular German town. Give them as much information as you know: where the town is located today, what Kreis (county), what province (state). You should also mention the nearest large town or city. Try this webpage if you don't have this information already. These photographs you are part of Record Group 373 (Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA]). You may need to provide the location on a map.