Skywalker Family Tree - Star Wars

The Ancestors of Luke Skywalker

from the first 6 Star Wars films

The Star Wars Films, 2005 and Before
Episode I: the Phantom Menace     Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Episode IV: a New Hope     Episode V: the Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

apparently "the Force"
Shmi Skywalker
death: Episode 2

Secretly Married on Naboo in Episode 2
Anakin Skywalker
[Darth Vader]
death: Episode 6

Padmé Amidala
death: Episode 3


Luke Skywalker
birth: Episode 3
place: a galaxy far, far away
raised by Owen Lars(1) & Beru (Whitesun) Lars
on Tatooine

Princess Leia Organa
birth: Episode 3
place: a galaxy far, far away

raised by Bail Organa(2)
on Alderaan

(1) Owen Lars is the son of Cliegg Lars, who marries Shmi Skywalker between Episodes 1 & 2

(2) Bail Organa serves in the Senate in Episodes 2 & 3

Compiled by Joe Beine
May 1999, May 2002 & May 2005

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