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Genealogy Records, Indexes and Databases on the Internet

The "Wee Monster" List of Genealogy Databases

Genealogy Records, Indexes and Databases - USA

Online Searchable Death Indexes (USA) [on this website]
A list of death indexes by state that can be searched online. Includes death certificate indexes, obituaries, cemetery burials and the Social Security Death Index. Online Birth and Marriage Records Indexes (USA) [on this website] Online Searchable U.S. Military Records and Databases [on this website]
Links to free and fee-based databases that can be searched on the Internet from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam. For a more comprehensive list of online military indexes see: Online U.S. Military Records, Indexes and Rosters of Soldiers

Ship Passenger Lists and Records [on this website]
Links to websites that have transcribed passenger lists and indexes on the Internet. Includes the Ellis Island Database, and much more.

U.S. Census Records and Resources [on this website]
Links to websites that have transcribed census records, indexes and census information. Naturalization Indexes and Records - USA [on this website]
Links to websites that have transcribed Naturalization records and indexes.

U.S. Prison and Inmates Records and Indexes on the Internet - USA

Online County Histories, Biographies and Indexes - USA

Directory of Historical Newspapers on the Internet - USA

The Official Federal Land Patent Records Database (does not include all states) from the United States General Land Office

Genealogy Records, Indexes and Databases - Germany

Online German Emigration Lists and Indexes [on this website]
Links to websites that have transcribed German emigration lists on the Internet. Includes a brief discussion of how to find these records offline at the Family History Library.

Online German Genealogy Records and Databases [on this website]
A list of online German genealogy related databases. Includes church books; birth, marriage, and death records; and military records.