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Finding Passenger Arrival Records at the Port of Galveston, Texas

Compiled by Joe Beine, German Roots Webmaster

This webpage discusses some of the available ship passenger lists and indexes for Galveston, Texas from 1846-1948 (with partial coverage to 1951). Included are books, microfilm, and links to online records and indexes.

Online Index and Images 1896-1948

Galveston Passenger Lists 1896-1948 (requires payment - part of an Ancestry subscription) includes name index and images of the passenger lists from National Archives Microfilm Publication M1359

This database also includes: "Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Corpus Christi, Texas, and Vicinity, June 1948-January 1959" (National Archives Microfilm A3458)

Texas Seaport Museum Immigration Database 1844-1948

The Texas Seaport Museum has a database of more than 132,000 passengers who first disembarked at Galveston from 1844-1948. If a passenger first disembarked at another port (such as New York) and then traveled to Texas, they will not be found in this database. This database is made up of names from the National Archives microfilm, various book sources and information from the Galveston Daily News. You can search the database online for free. For more information visit this webpage....

Texas Seaport Museum - Galveston Immigration Database

Microfilm Index 1896-1906

Title: Indexes to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, TX, 1896-1906

NARA Roll#FHL Roll#Covers...
M1357-11402451Aab, Heinrich--Kraus, Piotr
M1357-21402452Kraus, Albert--Polyak, Maria
M1357-31402453Pitsch, Franz--Zytekiewcz, Stanislaw

Microfilm Index 1906-1951

Title: Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, TX, 1906-1951

This is an alphabetical index to the names of passengers arriving at Galveston and the subports of Houston and Brownsville, Texas beginning in October 1906.

NARA Roll#FHL Roll#Covers...
M1358-11402454Aab, Maria--Duquesne, Isidro Ariosa
M1358-21402455Duran, Carlos--Inglis, Elizabeth
M1358-31402456Ingram, Joseph--Lavitjanz, Arschak
M1358-41402457Lawenda, Joel--Papurlieff
M1358-51402458Paracheroff, Dimitar--Schriever
M1358-61402459Schrobenhauser, Anni--Weigert, Jacques
M1358-71402460Weiger, Georg--Zyzora, Wasyi

FamilySearch has digitized the microfilm for the rolls listed above. These digitized microfilm rolls can be browsed online at: Passenger and crew lists of vessels arriving at Galveston [and other nearby ports], Texas, 1896-1948; index, 1896-1951 at FamilySearch; from National Archives Microfilm Publications M1357, M1358, and M1359

The Passenger Lists & Index 1846-1871

National Archives series M575: Copies of Lists of Passengers Arriving at Miscellaneous Ports on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and Ports on the Great Lakes, 1820-1873. Roll M575-3 in this series covers Galveston, TX, 1846-1871. (Family History Library Roll #830233).

The index for this roll is available in three different formats...

The Passenger Lists 1872-1895

The passenger lists from 1872-1895 are incomplete and most are missing. More information can be found at the Texas Seaport Museum link above.

The Passenger Lists 1893 & 1896-1948

Title: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, TX, 1896-1948; National Archives Microfilm Publication M1359; 36 rolls. (Includes some lists from 1893; coverage goes to October 1948)

Other Resources

ONLINE DATABASE: Galveston, Texas City Directories, 1888-1891 (requires payment - part of an Ancestry subscription)

BOOK: A New Land Beckoned: German Immigration to Texas, 1844-1847 by Chester W. Geue and Ethel H. Geue; 2nd enlarged ed; Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1972. Contains information about more than 4,000 German immigrants who settled in Texas from 1844 to 1847. The person's age, place of residence in Europe, and dates of departure and arrival are given.

BOOK: New Homes in a New Land: German Immigration to Texas, 1847-1861 by Ethel H. Geue; Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1970, reprinted 1999. A sequel to A New Land Beckoned, listed just above, this book contains the names of 5,600 German immigrants taken from 105 passenger lists. The person's age, place of residence in Europe, and dates of departure and arrival are given, along with the Texas county the immigrant settled in.

BOOK: Ships Passenger Lists, Port of Galveston, Texas, 1846-1871 by the Galveston County Genealogical Society; Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, 1984. This book contains transcriptions of the passenger records from National Archives Microfilm series M575, Roll 3, which covers Galveston, TX arrivals 1846-1871 (see microfilm listing above). In this book the passenger lists are arranged chronologically, followed by an alphabetical index of the individual passengers (more than 9,000 total).

BOOK: Passenger Lists for Galveston, 1850-1855 by Albert J. Blaha and Eva Lembcke; Houston, Texas: Privately printed by A.J. Blaha, 1985. (Contains mostly German passengers.) This book is also on 3 microfiche (FHL #6099940) at the Family History Library.

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