Images Online... Ancestry has digitized images of the Galveston passenger lists from 1896-1948. They are indexed and can be viewed online: Galveston Passenger Lists 1896-1948 (requires payment) Microfilm Information... Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, TX, 1896-1948; National Archives Microfilm Publication M1359, 36 rolls. [includes some lists from 1893; coverage ends in 1948 -- see notes below] NARA # is the catalog number for the National Archives FHL # is the catalog number for the LDS Family History Library in Salt Lake City/FamilySearch FamilySearch has digitized the microfilm for the rolls listed below. These digitized microfilm rolls can be browsed online at: Passenger and crew lists of vessels arriving at Galveston [and other nearby ports], Texas, 1896-1948; index, 1896-1951 at FamilySearch; from National Archives Microfilm Publications M1357, M1358, and M1359 NARA # Covers FHL # M1359-1 January 14, 1896--January 13, 1902 1414827 M1359-2 February 1902 -December 10, 1904 1414828 M1359-3 December 4, 1904--April 20, 1906 1414829 M1359-4 April 20, 1906--February 13, 1907 1414830 M1359-5 February 13, 1907--August 6, 1907 1414831 M1359-6 August 6, 1907--October 25, 1907 1414832 M1359-7 October 26, 1907--June 13, 1908 1414833 M1359-8 June 18, 1908--June 8, 1909 1414834 M1359-9 June 11, 1909--April 2, 1910 1414835 M1359-10 April 2, 1910--November 12, 1910 1414836 M1359-11 November 12, 1910--July 20, 1911 1414837 M1359-12 July 20, 1911--March 27, 1912 1414838 M1359-13 March 29, 1912--September 26, 1912 1414839 M1359-14 September 26, 1912--May 18, 1913 1414840 M1359-15 May 22, 1913--October 19, 1913 1414865 M1359-16 October 19, 1913--April 6, 1914 1414866 M1359-17 March 28, 1914--January 5, 1915 1414867 M1359-18 July 28, 1914--July 14, 1917 1414868 M1359-19 October 8, 1917--April 16, 1920 1414869 M1359-20 April 2, 1920--April 1, 1921 1414870 M1359-21 April 4, 1921--December 15, 1922 2381694 M1359-22 December 17, 1922--June 22, 1923 2381695 M1359-23 April 11, 1924--September 14, 1925 2381697 M1359-24 September 14, 1925--October 28, 1926 2381696 M1359-25 October 31, 1926--October 13, 1927 2381698 M1359-26 October 13, 1927--November 11, 1928 2381699 M1359-27 November 11, 1928--November 29, 1929 2381700 M1359-28 November 29, 1929--January 12, 1931 2381701 M1359-29 January 18, 1931--September 22, 1931 2381702 M1359-30 September 22, 1931--July 2, 1932 2381703 M1359-31 July 2, 1932--May 19, 1934 2381704 M1359-32 May 31, 1934--November 17, 1938 2381705* M1359-33 December 6, 1936--November 29, 1939 2381706** M1359-34 December 29, 1939--September 24, 1946 2381707 M1359-35 September 24, 1946--July 27, 1947 2381708 M1359-36 July 29, 1947--October 25, 1948 7682738 [1949-1951 not yet available] * The Family History Library catalog gives these dates for roll #2381705: May 31, 1934 - Nov. 17, 1936 (includes some lists for 1938) ** The Family History Library catalog gives these dates for roll #2381706: Nov. 29, 1936 - Nov. 29, 1939. See additional notes for other rolls below. Notes from NARA's catalog: This microfilm publication reproduces passenger manifests of vessels arriving at Galveston and the subports of Houston, Brownsville, Port Arthur, Sabine, and Texas City, Texas. The early lists are shipping company manifests. The later lists are on Immigration and Naturalization Service forms. The lists are arranged chronologically by date of arrival beginning in January 1896. Some lists are annotated to show the date of admission as a resident alien or date of naturalization. Some entries are stamped "debarred" if the alien was not allowed to enter the United States. Some of the lists include names of U.S. citizens returning from abroad. Roll 1 includes several lists from 1893, but none from 1894 or 1895. Roll 14 contains one list for September 16, 1911, and both rolls 32 and 33 include lists for 1938. On rolls 24 and 29, the first list was filmed out of order. Roll 24 includes several lists that are very difficult to read due to poor focus having been used during the filming process. Sources: Dates, Notes, Contents and NARA Roll numbers are from... Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals, A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications; National Archives Trust Fund Board: Washington, DC; 1983; 2nd revised edition, 1991; pages 33-34. |