Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, LA, 1900-1952; National Archives Microfilm Series T618; 22 rolls This microfilm publication has been digitized and is available at FamilySearch here: Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving in New Orleans, 1853-1952 (scroll to NARA Series T618; you can use the film numbers below to find the digitized roll you need) There is also an online database from Ancestry that indexes New Orleans passenger lists from 1820-1963 (with some gaps): New Orleans Ship Passenger Lists Index and Images, 1820-1963 (with some gaps) (requires payment) NARA # is the catalog number for the National Archives FHL # is the catalog number for the LDS Family History Library in Salt Lake City This is an alphabetical Index... NARA # Covers FHL # T618-1 Aaberg, Vendel--Arias, Josefina 1412574 T618-2 Arias, Magdalena--Bellini, Nazzareno 1412575 T618-3 Bellino, Amalia--Brown, Arthur Andrew 1412576 T618-4 Brown, Ashton--Carteni, Catelena 1412577 T618-5 Carter, Mrs. A.B.--Coope, Anna 1412578 T618-6 Cooper, Mr.--DeBenedetto, Viola 1412579 T618-7 DeBeneditto, Horace--Fernandex, Avelino 1412580 T618-8 Fernandez, Bartolo--Gardley, Bernard 1412581 T618-9 Gardner, Alex. Golfie--Gutierres, Rafael 1412582 T618-10 Gutman, David--Iris, Jose Maria 1412583 T618-11 Irish, Thomas L.--LaCassin, Theresa 1412584 T618-12 LaCava, Domenica--Lopez, Evaristo 1412585 T618-13 Lopez, Miss F.--Matters, R. 1412586 T618-14 Mattes, Claudio Duarte--Morenier, Josefa 1412587 T618-15 Moreno, A.--Ottley, Clarence Eldridge 1412588 T618-16 Otto, Bessie--Pleikys, Else 1412589 T618-17 Pleisner, Franz--Robertson, Florence 1412590 T618-18 Robertson, A.--Scamone, Jose 1412591 T618-19 Scandalis, Joseph--Stilinovic, Ante 1412592 T618-20 Stillone, Guiseppe--Vakoff, Stanko 1412593 T618-21 Valade, Henry Etienne--Woo Sai, Young 1412594 T618-22 Wood, Alexander--Zyromski, Wladyslaw 1412595 Dates, Contents and NARA Roll numbers taken from... Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals, A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications; National Archives Trust Fund Board: Washington, DC; 1983; 2nd revised edition, 1991; page 35. For digitized microfilm of the microfilm rolls listed above from FamilySearch, see: Passenger lists of vessels arriving at New Orleans, 1820-1945; index to passenger lists of vessels arriving in New Orleans, 1853-1952 : NARA RG85 publications T527, T618, M259, and T905: United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service at FamilySearch |